Not so long ago most people sang daily, individually and in groups, in homes, in churches, in pubs, in nature. Singing is sacred and everyday, ritualistic and spontaneous.

The benefits of singing are linked to this primacy and power of the human voice, and our basic instinct to use it.

Singing is something we all did when we were born, regardless of genetic makeup.

Boris, Felt Figure with Moon and Music by Raspberry Bumble
For the first nine months of our lives all the billions of us on the planet sang by relying on manipulation of our voice's pitch to meet our basic and fundamental needs.
Joy House for Melange 'Fun' Challenge. Click here to see more.
A singing teacher told me that there’s no such thing as not being able to sing.

Vintage Porto Baradio Mini Bar Radio (the perfect singing accompaniment!) from Catalin Radio
It’s just a matter of deprogramming ourselves from the voices that have said ‘You can’t sing’ or, in my case, ‘Muuuuum you CAN'T sing!’!

Go on now, it's your turn....I'm listenin....you know you're good...