Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dare 3: dare to be the person you dream of being

Okay, first off, yes I had a birthday last week, and it was so lovely that I've decided to keep the celebration going for the rest of the year! Friends have been warned to have cake ready. Pretty good idea eh...we'll see how it goes.... Birthdays remind me that time is passing, and I'd better get my butt into gear if I want to accomplish certain things and be the person I wish to be.
Licence Plate Clock by Platesttrends
(I have to be honest; I'm skipping some sections of the book we've been following - those sections that cover not procrastinating, those that cover career goals. Being the person you dream of being seems more important to me than achieving 'things'.)

When thinking of qualities I'd like to display, I've always found it useful to ask myself questions like, 'How will I be remembered?'.

Clock Corset from VW Corsets
So here are a few of the qualities I'd like to develop or enhance -  you'll know yourself what qualities you desire.
  • Be able to let go of long held perceptions of myself and gain the freedom to try more new things every day.
  • Become more patient and more forgiving of myself (this is a difficult one for many of us) and others.
  • Not be afraid to share my laughter and positive vibes with the world without worrying about other's perceptions.
  • Be eager to experience new things, making life sparkle with unanticipated experiences.
Assemblage Clock by The Urban Recyclery
Sometimes I need gentle reminders to keep me on track and birthdays are the perfect time to reflect.