Thursday, September 8, 2011

This this this one...


‘Process’ is an art work I made for an exhibition currently running at Made Gallery. Artists were given identical journals to use as a basis for an art piece. I took the pages out of mine and attached three pieces of organza embroidered with the words ‘By the time you finish reading this you are not the same person as the one who began’. It’s a comment on everything in the universe, including ourselves, being a process. Nothing stays the same. All things change. Nothing is fixed. Acknowledging this is a relief when things are crappy…we know that they’ll pass. But when things are wonderful there can be a sadness knowing that this will also pass. I hope I can keep focusing on how beautiful how precious each moment is (good or bad) because I know it will slip away.

The piece fits in well with this weeks
Three Muses Challenge for a piece of art that incorporates words. Head over to their place and see the others.