'Flying With Renee' is an original embroidery on vintage linen sewn to represent the precious moments I shared with Renee. When she was unwell, Renee and I would take little trips together. Planned ahead of time, and undertaken simultaneously on both sides of this earth, Renee and I would close our eyes and reach out to each other. Sometimes, holding hands we'd rise together and fly. Light as feathers and bubbling with laughter, over the cities, over the mountains, over the seas we’d fly. There was no pain. There was no sadness. Just pure joy. And I'd look across at her and know that she was part of me, and I a part of her. We were one. The way we all are. When the trip ended that pure joy lingered. It’s still there. In the blink of an eye I am with you my precious girl, flying.
Have a Lovely Weekend.
16 hours ago
Ohhh how amazing is that embroidery?! It matches the miracle that still is your friend. xxx
Lovely words and a very beautiful embroidery.
You have a very beautiful blog, thanks for sharing.
This makes me quiet. Thank you.
Stunning and heartfelt. Every stitch seems to hold your feelings in it. I love it!
This post leaves me speechless Chrisy.
You have a gift and it is inspiring…
i am at a loss for words...this is so beautiful and the gift of your friendship to renee i am sure filled her with much happiness...we should all be so lucky to be able to fly with you.
This touched me deeply. What an amazing tribute to your friend.
Hi Chrisy,
You are so correct....in that we really are all one....just a lovely way to honor the bond you and Renee' had (still have)...affirmations of these memories keep that bond strong. ♥
Thanks for visiting and your sweet comment about my hats and creamers. :0) I just recently purchased a very nice camera...so funny you should say that about the postcards..:0) I do plan to sell cards and other stuff.
Have a lovely day, sweet lady ♥
Stephanie ♥
i feel a bit intrusive even commenting on your stunningly beautiful and heartfelt expression of love and loss. you have moved me my friend...
lovely embroidery!... it's so pretty! ;)
Your artwork is amazing. I can almost see Renee's 'har-har' in her post if she were here. You have an awesome talent. I so miss our friend, Renee. I find myself looking for her posts 'most every morning. Yes, she would have loved this very much. xoxo, Blessings!!
chrisy, i am astonished by the beauty of this in every way.
i knew little of your relationship with renee until now, and my god: that you flew together.
this embrodiery is so beautiful all i can say is thank you.
i will try to get this up on renee's book of love blog in a week or so.
Your embroidery is amazing! A lovely post and your friend Renee was very lucky to have known you :)
So very touching , so special
and beautiful in every way.
I'm speechless.
I knew about this in a sort of left handed way. We used to do something similar when she was unwell and I used to send her Distant Healing Reiki and once she said to me that she wondered if that was what you two were doing already.
I told her that any love shared is healing and she agreed. I miss her more than words can say and in fact the whole tour of the garden was written really for her. I told Barry when I began to write about it that now that she could see it made me feel better and it would be easier to explain what went on when the angel of misery came to call. You will read about that in the last chapter.
Sending you love that heals, to take away a bit of the missing her in our hearts, and wishing you warmth and sunshine in the days ahead. Hugs from here.
I can see you are so
missing her,
every stitch is a thought to her
Your post left me speechless... It touched my heart deeply.
Your embroidery is so beautiful but your words are even more so.
Beautiful work.
Beautiful friends.
Beautiful memories.
Thank you my dear friends for your comments. They are treasures I'll reread and marvel at and be comforted by.
Beautiful. I have no other words.
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