Coming up to 1 August, the horses’ birthdays here in the Southern Hemisphere, I thought I’d do a little horsey post. Well it was hijacked. By a horned one. In that space at the outer corner of my eye where shadows dwell, that elusive unicorn kept appearing making sure that he, and not his horsey cousin would be the feature of this post. Who knows. Maybe the unicorns have their own celebration on the eve of the horses birthday, just nudging their more common cousins out of the way.
Above and below: Wall Mural for twin girls from William the Artist from Tulsa Oklahoma on Flickr
Apparently the horses are quite miffed at the number of books and movies starring the unicorn made in the last few years. They are particularly scathing of writers such as Josephine Bradley citing her novel In Pursuit of the Unicorn as ‘fantasy on wheatgrass’!
Wall Mural from Arteriors, Natick
Patient as a candle flame, inviolate, here is our guardian, keeper of the silent unknown. The unicorn holds many secrets: the secrets of jungles and moonlight, the secrets which lie hidden at the roots of trees and conceal themselves in coral labyrinths beneath the ocean. I look deep into its amber eyes and see my own reflection, but altered in line and light, as if in a dream.
The unicorn stands alone, still as frost. It keeps watch down corridors of time. The past and the future meet in the presence of the unicorn: the darkness and light become one.
From Etsy Sellers left to right 1. Unicorn Tunic from Devani Weaver 2. Ulani The Unicorn Elf Personalised Name Print from Twinkle Star Art 3. Vintage Cufflinks from Olden 4. Hot Pink Unicorn from Jenna Michelle 5.Clock from Double Trouble Design 6. A Walk In The Forest Prints, Mirrors, Pendants from Serpent Mandalas 7.1980s My Little Pony Unicorn from Black Scottie Treasure 8. Vintage Rotating Music Box from Zipidy Do Dah
Unicorns are aware that the horses are always trying to pass old cow horn off as genuine unicorn horn. They caution against the purchase of horn from anyone other than a genuine unicorn. Having said that they did share with me some tests that can be carried out to check for authenticity:
* Place scorpions under a dish with a piece of horn. If the scorpions die in a matter of hours, the horn is real.
* Feed arsenic to pigeons, followed by a dose of Unicorn horn. If the pigeons live, the horn is genuine.
* Draw a ring on the floor with the horn. If the horn is real, a spider will not be able to cross the ring.
* Place the horn in cold water. If the water bubbles but remains cold, the horn came from a Unicorn.
Opening Graphic from Miruna Uzdris