Friday, August 7, 2009

Party Time!

Come on in for a little treat. It’s been a taxing week for some. We deserve a Marie Antoinette moment. So let’s put on the music. A new dress. A few pretties. A fetching hat. Maybe a jacket, shirt, cravat.

via Craft Zine

from Batty Azac

from Hey Sailor

from Bonheur

from Machete n Sons

Do have a glass of champagne. There’s plenty more where that came from.


And a chocolate or two. I’ve place a couple of hundred on the plate. If there are less in your pic well somebody’s had more than their share.


And for a no cal treat, try wearing one of the jewel temptations from Sticky Kitten. I was lucky enough to win one of these yummy cake necklaces.


So, as we head into the weekend, a universal question to ponder. The Etsy DUST Team has a monthly swap and my partner for July was Del from DELicious Designz. I’ve posted Del a special surprise item but it hasn’t arrived yet - will put some pics up when it does. But I know that Del has sent me this resin bangle that I’ve been checking out in her store for awhile. It poses a question I think worth pondering -


What if the hokey pokey is what it’s all?


LindaGJ said...

This is an awesome post!! So much EYE CANDY!:)
Loved the video too! How do you do that? I have blogspot and can't get anything to work on mine. When I try it says the URL is wrong even after I've copied and pasted.
Anyway, I really enjoyed this post! Beautiful choices!!!
Looking forward to seeing your swap gift!

StickyKitten said...

Thank you SO much for showing off my necklace! It means so much to me! I am glad you like it =)

The little knitted capes on the little girl in the post before this are adorable by the way!!

Michelle said...

Oh cool.....nothing like a little escapism :)

Gabbi said...

Such a lovely and decadent post dear Chrisy! I clearly need a sailor hat now and a 'Hokey Pokey' Bangle to match...

Veronica Darling... said...

Can we please crack the Moet today? LOVE the blog post today!

Rose said...

I still havent watched Marie Antoinette! I must soon.
I love that wrist cuff, its so pretty. And those chokkies look scrumptious, i wonder who ate more than their fair share ;) Im excited to see what you came up with for your giveaway.
Thanks for your lovely comment. Stirling is such a beautiful town, pancakes amoungst the trees sounds delightful!



what fun...and you've done an amazing job with the capelets !!!

DELiciousDesignz said...

I love reading your posts Chrisy - they are so imaginative -
Looking forward to getting my swap pressie - I know I am going to love it. I think the "Hokey Pokey is what it's all about".....wooo yeah...xo

Elena_Valeriote said...

Oh how I love a good masquerade! Thank you for the bit of eye candy <3

Unknown said...

I have always wanted to dress up as Marie A. for Halloween! I would wear the ship headdress. Love it. If only I knew where to get such an elaborate costume around here... hm. ;)

Susan Tuttle said...

your post is making me very hungry - mmmmm -- sweets!!


Renee said...

Love you dear heart.

Love Renee xoxo

Sarah Lulu said...

I love that lacy beaded arm/wrist band ...

Sarah Lulu said...

Cuff ...I just had a look at the site ...
I can't quite get to thinking of wearing one ..
but I might ..yes I might!

Hey Harriet said...

Oooh yeah, chocolates and bubbly! Your blog is always such a tasty place to visit! Somebody has been a little bit of a piggy with the chocolates. And it WASN'T me this time. I only had 5...ish :D

Artsnark said...

Thanks for the pick me up today! What fun!

Anonymous said...

Glorious picks Chrisy! How I love this theme!