Sunday, October 11, 2009

We're in vogue over here


I was in luck at the local library this week with I scored a copy of the Sept/Oct 2009 issue of Vogue Living Australia. Featured is the home of Anna Spiro, from Brisbane design and decoration shop Black and Spiro, and Absolutely Beautiful Things blog. And it’s gorgeous.


The 1930s brick bungalow is a jewel box revealing Anna’s perfect mix of antique and new pieces. I particularly like the eclectic mix of fabrics and of art works – including the white painted floors; the black and white linen covered dining wing chairs; the black, white, pink and orange colour palette; the David Bromley nudes. It's great to see a beautiful Brisbane home featured.


Reflecting on his art work David Bromley has said, I weave through my thoughts and feelings searching for words to parallel the visual. As a presenter of images I express myself through paint and I don't always have a verbal explanation for my outpourings on canvas – perhaps this is why there is some ambiguity in the narrative in my paintings. I don't always like to reveal a definite outcome to the scenarios in my works and prefer the viewer to make their own decision... We all attach different meanings to things based upon our own experiences, opinions and desires. I don't want to eliminate other interesting possibilities...


Also enjoyed was a tidbit on Todd Selby’s cult website The Selby. The Selby features photographs, paintings and videos of interesting people and their creative spaces. All parts of the world are covered here including photos of Australian artists and designers at home. Todd’s recently published book The Selby Sydney is available for purchase on line as a signed limited edition - as is the poster below created by Sydney based artist Jonathan Zawada from photographs on The Selby website.


Featured too is iconic Australian fashion and textile designer Linda Jackson. Linda has been collecting opals for three decades. In her honour, and because the birthstone for those born in October is the opal, here’s a little Etsy collection.


l to r: Black Opal Rock Soap (yes soap!)from Good Karma Soaps, Linda Jackson via, Server Set from Shelley Macdonald Designs, Ceramic Pocketbook with Opals from Brenda Santa Fe, Les Liaisons Dangereuses Necklace from Realisation Creations, Boulder Opal Pendant from Nature’s Art Melbourne, Opal Gemstone from Marcy Panek

Wednesday Update: I'm behind with my posts this week - life and fatigue are getting in the way. But, on Saturday, I'll definitely be joining in the Halloween Party being hosted by Vanessa from A Fanciful Twist. You're all invited to drop by here for a party and giveaways!


Anonymous said...

Loving the decor in that house, such a mixup...

and I once saved every penny in the eighties to buy a Linda Jackson knit...

Hey Harriet said...

I love browsing the Black & Spiro shop whenever I can! I do really like the look of those painted white floors but what a headache they must be to keep clean! Anna no doubt isn't as messy as me ;)

Off to explore The Selby site now. Thanks for the links!

Renee said...

Sweet Chrisy do you think the lady would mind if we borrow her pad for the week. We won't make a mess, it will be just me and you.


Love Renee xoxo

Joanna Jenkins said...

I am loving the pink "sofa" with all the wonderful pillows!
Thanks for a great post!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Chrisy,

Oh, I would love to get a subscription to Vogue Australia edition. I really enjoyed the spread you have shown. Lots of color and free spirited in decorating.

Hugs to you,

MaroDe said...

Extremely colorful and fun! I love the sense of whimsy!

Artsnark said...

great eye candy!

Anonymous said...

Oh I want to live in that house! Just for a bit...*sighes*...and thanks for including my necklace here - I'm very honoured. xo

Witchcrafted Life said...

There is so many elements - subtle details and bold decor statements alike - to daydream about in these smashing photos. Wonderful inspiration, sweet dear, thank you very much for sharing!

Wishing you the loveliest of weeks ahead!
♥ Jessica

gerfiles said...

Inspiring... Here, you´re not allowed to take magazines out of the libraries, have to browse them in drab reading corners (typical german...?)

Couture Carrie said...

What a gorgeous home (and post!)... I love that red lattice wallpaper!


Sam said...

Oh! THose interiors in Vogue - DROOL!!! How I would just adore to live there - all the gorgeous colours!! Well spotted!! ...and there's a massive Linda Jackson auction (of her clothes) at this place in Woolahra - they had an exhibition of her clothes before it actually took place - wow! Talk about vibrant!! Great post sweetie - you got my creative juices going!!!

Kitty Stampede said...

WOW!!! I'm floored..This is just inspirational...makes me feel like I have boring decor..haha,must step up a few hundred notches.
I love love all the mixture of textures and colors and patterns..oohh lala!

Anna Spiro said...

Thanks so much for posting the article!!


velvetwoods said...

What a gorgeous home !

velvetwoods said...

Oh thanks for sharing this ! I feel so inspired !

the paris apartment said...

What an incredible spread! I love the collage photo from Selby. Really inspiring, thanks for sharing!

Gabbi said...

I'm with Paris here dear Chrisy! Gorgeous post... especially the home decor of Anna Spiro... such amazing colors and beautiful things to look at. I really need to put more thought into my tiny home. :)

Hope you're having a wonderful new week!xo

Kim said...

What a page full of yumminess!

LW said...

What beautiful rooms....
Full of color and ideas…
Very inspiring.

I wanted to let you know that my photos from
Tim came and I love them.
Thank you so much…


Renee said...

how are you feeling dear Chrisy? Are you feeling okay?

Let's sit by eacch other at some point today and while we sip our tea say a little prayer for the other.

Love Renee xoxo

studioJudith said...

Chrisy dear .. .
a beautiful post : especially for one with every reason to be fatigued with life.
Thanks for the great links , which I shall check out as soon as I recover from my own LifeFatique.
Hugs - Jjjjj

Trish Goodfield said...

I love libraries. You can pour over all your favourite magazines for free. Not often you get a current one though.

cabin + cub said...

love all the colour and eclectic-ness! makes me want to decorate our place!

Splendid Little Stars said...

The white palette (including floors) gives one lots of room for color play and imagination.
David's Bromely's quote about his art reflects that art is a living, organic entity.